A-Head for Success

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How to Achieve Inbox Zero

How to achieve inbox zero

Are you suffering from inbox chaos?  Why would you want to achieve Inbox Zero? Can you imagine what it would be like to open your inbox each morning with a small and manageable number of emails to address? Inbox Zero is that by the end of the day it is empty, everything dealt with and that wonderful feeling of satisfaction it will bring. A feeling you have taken back control.

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How do I Know Who is the Right Coach for Me?

Are you a Level One, or a Level Two Person?


When you are looking for the right coach, there is something important to consider. When you need support, whether it is for a flat tyre, to buy a special outfit, help for a worrying health condition, or if you want some coaching/therapy, I think it is safe to say we all want quick results. But I think the point is that we want ‘quick’ and we want ‘results’. But can we have them both?

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Stress and COVID – Staying Protected

Stress and COVID

Stress and COVID. A year on and we are still in the midst of a global pandemic – who could have imagined it but for a screenwriter?

While the vaccine is supposed to help, none of them yet provide 100% protection.  So, we still need to do what we can to protect ourselves until the virus is eradicated completely.

We already know that underlying health conditions such as diabetes, inflammatory conditions, asthma, hay fever, auto-immune diseases can all make us more vulnerable.  It is now understood that having a highly stressful lifestyle also makes us vulnerable to it.  This stacks up as stress does impact our immune system.

So, time for some myth-busting insights to help protect you better understand Stress and COVID:

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Blue Monday, Covid and a New Start

Blue Monday

Today is Blue Monday, allegedly the most depressing day of the year.  But with the most challenging Christmas in at least my memory, and COVID not looking like it’s over anytime soon, Blue Monday is even more challenging.

But, just because it’s called Blue Monday, doesn’t mean we have to give into it.  It isn’t a blueprint for how to feel.  There are some simple things you can do to lift your mood, whether it is Blue Monday or any other day, whether COVID is here or long gone.  And I share some other tips to help 2021 get off to a good start.  Call it a new beginning.  I will give them to you in two parts:  one to uplift your mood and another to create momentum.

Part One (Mood)

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Working From Home

Several people have spoken to me about the challenge they have in working from home.  There are those for whom this is a real boon and boosts their productivity.  But there are those for whom it is something close to a living nightmare.  Starving for connection and distraction, the thought of hunkering down, isolated, can feel very difficult indeed.

I do hope these tips help you, whatever your situation.  It’s a fairly long post because I wanted to cover off as much of the common working-from-home problems as possible.  You may want to skip to sections relevant to you, or read through the whole thing.  It should only take a few minutes.

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How Stress Resilience Helps Performance

Stress resilience

Can stress resilience help performance? We already know that stress can have a negative impact on performance in a number of ways:

Negative impact of stress

  • Poor decision making
  • More errors made
  • Increase in irritability and therefore conflict
  • Impact on teamwork
  • Increase in absenteeism and presenteeism
  • Negative effect on customer satisfaction
  • Risk of burnout or breakdown of your most valuable resource

All create a negative domino effect.

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Stress and Performance

Stress and Performance

Many of the people I coach say that they have too much stress. Understanding stress and performance is important.   For some it is the reason they come for coaching.  For others it is a consequence of what else is going on for them.  And then there are others, who come to me because they are wondering “is this it?”:  often a euphemism for boredom or feeling unfulfilled.

The 3 levels of stress

But there are three levels of stress which affect performance and I wanted to share them with you.

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5 Dimensions for Success with Less Stress


5 Dimensional Coaching

As we enter a new year, most of us will have thoughts about what it will take to make it a success.  We will doubtless make huge commitments to ourselves and our businesses to make it a good year.  But it’s stressful being successful.  My A-HEAD for Success 5 Dimensional Coaching ® program is designed to make it less so.  In this article I wanted to share with you the 5 Dimensions and then in future articles I will go into them in more detail.

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Stress: Avoidance, Cure or Prevention?

Stress prevention - don't trust to luck

Avoidance of Stress

When it comes to stress, avoidance is the best strategy, isn’t it?  Not really.

It is almost impossible to avoid stress – it’s a natural part of life.  Especially in our VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous).  Obviously, we don’t want any more stress than is necessary but in order to avoid it, one or more of the following are probably true:

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