A-Head for Success

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Blue Monday, Covid and a New Start

Blue Monday

Today is Blue Monday, allegedly the most depressing day of the year.  But with the most challenging Christmas in at least my memory, and COVID not looking like it’s over anytime soon, Blue Monday is even more challenging.

But, just because it’s called Blue Monday, doesn’t mean we have to give into it.  It isn’t a blueprint for how to feel.  There are some simple things you can do to lift your mood, whether it is Blue Monday or any other day, whether COVID is here or long gone.  And I share some other tips to help 2021 get off to a good start.  Call it a new beginning.  I will give them to you in two parts:  one to uplift your mood and another to create momentum.

Part One (Mood)

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If Coaching Saves Lives, What Could it Do For You?

Blue Monday CoachingIn a world of such complexity, competitiveness and relentless change, it can be tough just staying where you are.  Blue Monday is said to be the most depressing date of the year.  As well as the factors I have already mentioned, the cold weather, post-Christmas debt and failure to stick to New Year Resolutions can all lead to a significant drop in motivation and mood.  The wish for things to be different are matched only by a lack of energy or ability to make it happen.

I recently watched a TED Talk which was about coaching called ‘Want to Get Good at Something?  Get a Coach’.  The speaker talks about how it was used to save lives in the third world and it got me thinking about all the ways that coaching can help people like you.

What difference has it made?

If it can:  

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