Most people want each new year to be their best. But with much less stress. And more fun. And bigger results. If possible. So, is it really possible? If we accept that we can only control the controllable and take response-ability for our results in a focussed way, I would say a resounding ‘yes’. But too often we give our power away to outside forces. So, the following keys will help you take charge and make it happen:
- Get clarity
Become clear on what you want to achieve (your vision and goals) and why. The why is your motivation which carries you through the tough times so it needs to be big enough to do that. It makes all the difference between achievement and enrichment – two concepts which are not mutually exclusive unless you make them so. Clarity enables you to say ‘no’ to those things which are not ‘on-purpose’ so it frees up more time for you to do what’s needed to fulfil your goals.
Clarity around how you are going to achieve it is next. When you break things down into your priorities, the next step is easier to take. And the one after that. And the one after that.
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