5 Dimensional Coaching
As we enter a new year, most of us will have thoughts about what it will take to make it a success. We will doubtless make huge commitments to ourselves and our businesses to make it a good year. But it’s stressful being successful. My A-HEAD for Success 5 Dimensional Coaching ® program is designed to make it less so. In this article I wanted to share with you the 5 Dimensions and then in future articles I will go into them in more detail.
Dimensions for Success 1: Clarity
When you are clear of your mission, your goal, your strengths, your challenges, your blindspots (for you, your business and your people), it gives you a firm foundation to facilitate success. Otherwise there is a lot of flailing and faffing. Or busy-ness without business. And nobody wants that.
Dimensions for Success 2: Skillset
Having the right skills to make things happen are also key. These are either skills you have inside yourself or skills you have around you: in your staff, in your external support. If they aren’t at the right level, success can feel like you’re wading through treacle and you are constantly managing problems rather than developing your business.
Dimensions for Success 3: Mindset
Let’s face it, being positive, realistic, motivated and solution-focused can only make life easier. Because success is really hard if you are not!
Dimensions for Success 4: Stress Resilience
Stress is not something you can avoid. And you actually need some to have the right level of motivation. But too much and you are on a slippery slope. Stress resilience helps you navigate stressors so you remain productive and effective no matter what is happening.
Dimensions for Success 1: Health and Energy
How can your business be healthy if you’re not? How can you produce results if you are tired all the time? Health and energy are not luxuries but foundations for success. And easily overlooked because we tend to priorities external factors rather than treat ourselves like the important asset that we are.
How would you rate yourself on each of these dimensions? How would others rate you? We often have blindspots: we don’t know what we don’t know. So having full knowledge of where strengths are and where we need to improve is a cornerstone for sustainable success. Otherwise you may have more blocking you than enabling you.
If you want help to be firing on all cylinders, do call 0345 130 0854 for an initial, no obligation consultation. Or you can get in touch here.
To your success.