Managing your own stress, your performance and productivity is one thing. Managing these factors in others is something else. Trying to achieve results through others brings its own stresses to add to your already burgeoning collection. But we don’t need more stress, we need less.
Most people rely on others to a certain degree to get things done. Whether you manage a team who work directly for you, or outsource some of your work to others, they can all bring their challenges as well as their rewards.
And of course the faster the pace, the greater the challenge. The problem is not unique and yet your greatest asset can so often be your sleepless night.
It’s fraught with difficulty. Someone who seemed perfect at interview might present very differently when they’re in situ. Or they may have been fine when you hired them, but suddenly there seems to be one problem after another. This can have repurcussions on productivity, teamwork, customer service and even profits. It can certainly affect the stress levels of others, as well as your own.
Managing others requires an ability to understand the motivation of individuals, a flexibility in how you manage them and yet a consistency in approach. It’s an art-form and one size doesn’t fit all. But, once mastered, it really yields results.
So, what’s the answer?
As you might expect, it’s a bit complicated. So, in partnership with Sandra Porter of The HR Department, I am putting on a short workshop to introduce you to the concept of effective people management so you know how to bring out the best in individuals, know how to identify your saboteurs from your superstars and spot warning signs and what to do about them.
Good people make good business. If you want to help reduce the stress of managing results through others, join us for this short but impactful workshop. For more information, click here for Your Greatest Asset and Your Sleepless Night.
Or call me, Tricia Woolfrey, on 0845 130 0854 for a no-obligation discussion. You’ll be glad you did.