Most people want each new year to be their best. But with much less stress. And more fun. And bigger results. If possible. So, is it really possible? If we accept that we can only control the controllable and take response-ability for our results in a focussed way, I would say a resounding ‘yes’. But too often we give our power away to outside forces. So, the following keys will help you take charge and make it happen:
- Get clarity
Become clear on what you want to achieve (your vision and goals) and why. The why is your motivation which carries you through the tough times so it needs to be big enough to do that. It makes all the difference between achievement and enrichment – two concepts which are not mutually exclusive unless you make them so. Clarity enables you to say ‘no’ to those things which are not ‘on-purpose’ so it frees up more time for you to do what’s needed to fulfil your goals.
Clarity around how you are going to achieve it is next. When you break things down into your priorities, the next step is easier to take. And the one after that. And the one after that.
2. Develop skills
Whether you work in a corporate environment, or for yourself, there will be certain skills which are essential for ongoing success. What is appropriate for you in your environment will vary from person to person but influencing skills are always important, time management too (so you don’t slip back into overwhelm), but perhaps the most important is emotional intelligence which is said to account for 80% of your success. It enables you to manage yourself and others, even in times of challenge. Of course you need professional skills relevant to your role too. Finally, knowing how to hire in talent to support you is going to make a big difference.
3. Cultivate mindset
How you think about a situation will dictate your results so a positive, ‘can-do’ mindset is important. But not if it is up in the clouds, far removed from reality. Having the right mindset will maintain your confidence levels and ensure that you are solution-focused in a problem-filled world.
Using a blend of neuro-linguistic programming with mindfulness and the principles of neuroplasticity, you can make sure your mindset is success-enabled.
4. Become stress-resilient
We can’t avoid stress. In fact we need some of it to motivate us. However, if you have unrelenting stress for too long, it can derail you and, worse, lead to burnout or breakdown. Becoming stress-resilient enables you to roll with the punches, to bounce back from setbacks, keep your cool when things are hotting up and grow through adversity so the small things don’t become the big things and you are able to enjoy the good times better.
5. Nurture health and energy
It doesn’t matter how good you are at what you do, if you aren’t healthy and your energy is on the floor, your ability to deliver will be compromised. Just as you would take care of your car – taking it for a service, filling it with petrol, making sure it has enough oil and water – you need to take care of yourself because you are your strongest asset. And, like it or not, exercise and nutrition is non-negotiable if you are serious about success. And managing your energy too. Not by pushing through but making sure that you have a natural, calm energy for consistent performance, through good times and bad. In fact, the better care you take of yourself, the more likely you will be to enjoy more of the highs and navigate the lows with style.
If you are serious about success for 2017 and don’t want to leave it to chance, why not book a session so that we can stop any potential derailers in their tracks and make sure you are firing on all cylinders. Because if you are, your business is too.
This article is based on my 5D coaching model from the AHEAD for Success program.
Call me on 0845 130 0854 to find out more.
In the mean time, here is to 2017 being your Best Year EVER!
(C) Tricia Woolfrey 2016