A-Head for Success

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Have you had enough yet?

Have you had enough yet? Avoid burnout and breakdown.Are you the kind of person who just gets on with it?  You think you can do no more but, here you are, doing more?

You know you need to make changes, but it never seems to be the right time.  And you don’t have time to make it happen anyway, what with everything else that’s going on.

Well, you may not know it, but you are a member of The Keep Going and Ignore the Risks Club.


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Signs you may be close to burnout

BurnoutBurnout is that state you get to when you are so stressed and exhausted that you are no longer able to function.  At it’s extreme level, you won’t even be able to work at all.   You could argue that high performers and perfectionists are more at risk than most.  Why?  Because they power through and ignore signals that show they are at risk.  The problem is that the more you power through, the more at risk you become until you shut down completely.  Like your body has had enough and decides that if you are going to ignore its needs, it will just stop working so you can’t ignore it any more.

So, what are the warning signs?  Everybody is different but the following are a few:

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