A-Head for Success

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Are you starting out?



Starting a business can be really exciting.  So much opportunity.  Whether you are filled with excitement or wondering if you can really do it, it is always easier when you have someone supporting you.  Because starting a business is one thing.  Building a sustainable, successful and profitable business is a whole other league.

There is so much to think about, so many balls to juggle, that getting the right help in the beginning can make all the difference.  A great business idea is a starting point. Working with a business coach helps you launch your business and manage it so you spend less time fighting fires and more time building the business you dreamed of.  Coaching is an investment in your business and your future.

In the meantimer, I wrote An A-Z of Business (a handbook for the small business) to help people like you navigate their way through.  Full of really helpful tips which take the mystery out of running a successful business.

But, you can't beat working 1:1, we'll find out what your strengths are, what your blindspots might be, and create a plan to help you create success with a lot less stress.   To find out more how the A-HEAD for Success program can help you create a success with your business do get in touch now.  You'll be glad you did!




An A-Z of Business by Tricia Woolfrey

PS  While you're here, I would like to offer you my FREE Personal Performance and Productivity Assessment Tool.  This allows you to see where you are doing well and perhaps where you could do better still.  It will also sign you up to my newsletter which comes about approximately monthly and full of useful information about achieving success with less stress.  Available here https://www.a-headforsuccess.co.uk/one-step/.  And, of course, if you find it isn't for you, you can unsubscribe at any time.  But I get great feedback about how valuable they are.  Why not sign up now?